How To Pick Your Blog Niche?

Do you want to start a blog but just don’t know how to pick your blog niche? In this article, I’m going to tell you exactly what you can do to find the perfect niche and also to help you answer the question of what I should blog about first.

What is a Niche?

A niche is a narrowed down topic of a broader category that focuses on a target audience. An ideal niche consists of 3 important aspects:

  • High search volume
  • Low competition
  • High income potential.

What Should You Blog About?

I just want to remind you that if you’re currently stressed or frustrated about not being able to decide on the niche for your blog, don’t be too hard on yourself because lots of bloggers start it out and they ask themselves the very same question that you’re asking yourself right now. I really do think that this article is gonna help you guys to decide what you want to blog about but just in case it doesn’t, at the very end I’m gonna include ideas of how you can just get your blog started even if you still can’t decide on a niche. So let’s get started on the 10 questions and ideas to help you decide how to pick your blog niche.

10 questions and ideas to help you decide How To Pick Your Blog Niche?

Are you an expert at anything?

So the First question that you need to ask yourself is are you an expert at anything? You might think right off the bat I’m not an expert at anything. But I’m sure that if you take the time to really think about this question there might be certain things that you know a lot about. If you’re having a hard time answering this question the suggestion that I give is to think about what other people come to you to ask advice for and that’s probably what you know a lot about.

If you’re feeling like no one will want to listen to your blog about anything, please don’t feel like that. When I first started the idea for my blog, I thought who would want to listen to me about anything because I don’t know as much as other Bloggers out there. It’s okay that you feel like this. The only reason that you’re feeling like this is because you’re starting something new and whenever we start something new then it’s completely normal to feel like this. 

What do you love to talk about?

The next thing you need to think about is what you love to talk about. Is there one thing that you could just talk about for hours and hours and just go on and on about to your friends and family? If there is then pay attention to it because it might be your niche. Look out for that feeling that you get when you get excited and energized just talking about something. I know for me I could go on and on about blogging, SEO, Analytics, and making money online and my family is probably sick of hearing me talking about them all the time. So consider what is it that you talk about all the time that could make you most excited.

What Blogs do you love to read?

The next thing you need to consider is what blogs you love reading. So get a pen and a paper and start writing down maybe like 5 to 10 blogs that you like to visit. This might give you a clue as to what your niche might be because it shows you exactly what you’re interested in. 

What is your long-term goal for your blog?

So if you could imagine yourself as a full-time blogger five years from now then just think about what that would look like. Would you be traveling the world full-time or making recipes every day and sharing your recipes or maybe you might be teaching other people new skills. Think about what your ideal dream is and what your goal is for your blog.

When I was first trying to come up with my blog niche, I couldn’t decide on something and I was feeling so frustrated. I was just stuck in analysis trying to decide something and just not moving forward. I would get even more upset because I wasn’t doing anything or taking any action. The one thing that helps me to actually move forward towards starting my blog was by doing this exact thing, take some time and just dream about what your ideal life would be as a full-time blogger. 

Make sure the idea is profitable

The next thing that you need to consider is that you need to make sure that idea is Profitable. Profitable blogging takes a ton of time and hard work. You need to make sure that eventually you’re gonna get paid for all of your efforts. Especially if you want to quit your job and be a full-time blogger and make a full-time income, this is super important.

Say if you have three ideas about potential niches then you need to take a look at each one and see which one is the most profitable and go with that one. So this might help you narrow down and decide one final choice for your blog niche.  


The next thing that you should consider when thinking about your blog niche is your budget. Don’t worry if you don’t have a big budget because this is not gonna stop you from having a successful blog. Many of the most successful bloggers on the internet started out with a very small budget and when I started my blog I had like next to nothing of a budget. so don’t let that discourage you.

It’s just important to consider this when choosing your niche. The reason that this is so important is because you don’t want having not enough funds to stop you from growing your blog. That’s why it’s easier if you plan your budget from the start so that you choose a niche where the money’s not gonna stop you from being able to create more content and put more stuff on the Internet.

For example, say you come up with the idea that you want to start a luxury beauty blog. So you need to really think about if you can afford to buy all the luxury beauty products that you’re gonna be reviewing. If it’s not in your budget to be able to purchase all these products then maybe you should consider starting a blog about beauty tips or something else where you’re not gonna have to buy a bunch of products and where it’s not gonna cost you a bunch of money just to be able to create your blog post.

Are you passionate about something?

The next thing you should think about when deciding how to pick your blog niche is are you passionate about anything. So if there’s Passion in something that you do really believe in then you should consider this as a possible niche for your blog. 

Look at what you love doing

The next suggestion that I have is to look at what you really love to do. You love to go hiking or cooking or baking, what is it that you really love to do? whenever you find this then it’s gonna help you to know what you want to talk about and what you might be able to teach your readers more about. If you can find something that you love to do then it’s gonna make growing your blog even easier and funner. Well it’s still not gonna be easy but it’s gonna be funner and you’re gonna stay more interested and you’re gonna be more motivated because it’s something that you just love in real life anyways.

Think about what you don’t like

The next idea that I have to help you think about your niche is to think about what you don’t want to blog about. You might think that this is a weird suggestion to think about what you don’t want to do when you’re trying to think about what you do want to do. But hear me out because by thinking about what you don’t want to talk about you can eliminate a certain niche ideas and just focus on the stuff that you really are interested and what you really would like to blog about. 

Consider choosing a broad niche

So the next thing that you need to consider is to just start a broad niche. If you spent any time online researching about blogging then you might know that most bloggers recommend against this. But still I am telling you guys that this is something you should consider because when I first started my blog I could not decide on a niche so that I almost didn’t even start my blog at all. The most important thing about becoming a successful blogger is that you just get started. So by choosing a broad niche you can just get started now and then niche down in the future. I actually discovered that there is a ton of other successful bloggers that have done this exact same thing.

So many bloggers will start out blogging about one thing and then eventually switch over to something else. So don’t feel too pressured or stressed about sticking to one niche. To be honest with you I have my blog up on the internet and I’m making money and getting a lot of visitors to my website but I still don’t know what niche I’m going to be in. That’s just okay because as I’m blogging, writing different stuff and creating videos, I’m learning what I like and what I don’t like and I’m still actually doing it and moving forward.

Still couldn’t pick your blog niche?

At the beginning of this article I promised you guys that if you still couldn’t decide your niche all the way by the end then I would give you an idea of how you could just get started with your blog without making that decision. So if that’s what you want to do then this is what I recommend. So when you’re getting your domain name you need to just get a broad general domain name maybe like your first name and last name or something like that so that it doesn’t limit you down into one subject.

It leaves it completely open for you to blog about whatever you want to. You can talk about one thing one day and talk about something else the next day. But you’re still gonna be learning about blogging. you’re gonna be actually blogging and each day you’re gonna be moving forward towards your goal of becoming a successful blogger. This will make it so that you’ll slowly discover your niche and what you really love to blog about. It’s normal when you’re starting something new you’re going to feel scared and you’re gonna feel nervous  but don’t let those fears stop you from moving forward towards your goal.


I hope that this article helped you to get a better idea of what you might want to blog about and how to pick your blog niche. If you guys have any questions at all about anything then please feel free to just leave me a comment below and I’ll do my best to help you out.

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